Saturday, September 17, 2005

JLU at Jason's

Just got back from Jason's for the season premiere of Justice League. It was an hour of "I Am Legion" and "Shadow of the Hawk". After the show, we partook in a game of Naked Robber. Just kidding. Unfortunatly we didn't play Naked Robber, but we did watch Futurama, and the first 5 mins of "The Flash". Fun night.

Superman Returns Pics

Wow. Brandon Routh might actually be able to pull this off. I mean, he friggin looks like friggin Clark Kent, and then he's got the friggin Superman thing down as well. Hehe, I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl.

Superman Returns Official Teaser Poster

Man, I'm frickin stoked!!!!

No More Senior Prank

I decided to cancel the infamous senior prank that was orginally intended to be the subject for this journal. I feel senior year is short enough without having to spend time planning something they might kick you out of school for. If you guys are still up for it. I'm out. Haha, sorry.